新版 DeepL 翻译模型更新后翻译效果更强了

新版 DeepL 翻译模型更新后翻译效果更强了
周润发新版 DeepL 翻译模型更新后翻译效果更强了
就目前的翻译质量来看,很接近 AI 大模型的翻译效果。
Sandboxie is a sandbox-based isolation software for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows NT-based operating systems. It creates a sandbox-like isolated operating environment in which applications can be run or installed without permanently modifying local & mapped drives or the Windows registry. An isolated virtual environment allows controlled testing of untrusted programs and web surfing.
Sandboxie allows you to create virtually unlimited sandboxes and run them alone or simultaneously to isolate programs from the host and each other, while also allowing you to run as many programs simultaneously in a single box as you wish.译文
Sandboxie 是一款基于沙盒的隔离软件,适用于基于 Windows NT 的 32 位和 64 位操作系统。它能创建一个类似沙盒的隔离操作环境,在其中运行或安装应用程序,而不会永久修改本地和映射驱动器或 Windows 注册表。隔离的虚拟环境允许对不受信任的程序和网上冲浪进行受控测试。
Sandboxie 允许你创建几乎无限的沙盒,并可单独或同时运行,将程序与主机和程序之间相互隔离,同时还允许你在一个沙盒中同时运行任意多个程序。
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